Search Results for 'merperson'

🧜 Merperson
The mythical creature depicted in the Merperson emoji is half human, half fish. Merpeople inhabit the ocean and have a connection to the water and marine creatures. Instead of declaring that you are a real mermaid, you would probably use this emoji when talking about the water and anything that resides there. Send this emoticon along with the water Wave emoji if you're going to the sea. Sending this emoji along with a fish image can also be used to indicate that you want to go scuba diving.
🧜🏻 Merperson: Light Skin Tone
Merperson with light skin tone
🧜🏼 Merperson: Medium-Light Skin Tone
Merperson with medium-light skin tone
🧜🏽 Merperson: Medium Skin Tone
Merperson with medium skin tone
🧜🏾 Merperson: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
Merperson with medium-dark skin tone
🧜🏿 Merperson: Dark Skin Tone
Merperson with dark skin tone
