Search Results for 'control'

🎮 Video Game
An illustration of a video game gamepad serves as the video game emoji. Video games can be enjoyed by players of all skill levels. Similar to books, video games transport you to a different realm where you can experience things that you ordinarily would not be able to. The variety of gaming categories is limitless and includes puzzle games, adventure games, and many others. This emoji can be used in conjunction with another emoji to indicate the subject of the game you are currently playing, such as a dragon to indicate a fantasy game. Send this emoji along with the Couch and Lamp emoji to better convey your intentions for the day if you intend to spend the day gaming and would prefer not to be interrupted.
🎛️ Control Knobs
Depending on the emoji supplier, the Control Knobs emoji depicts a panel with one, two, or four round Control Knobs. From cooking ovens or mixers to trains and aircraft, this kind of device can be found in a wide variety of objects. Emoji, on the other hand, are primarily used in contexts where something is being controlled or tuned (such as the Level Slider character). You could use this to demonstrate your multitasking skills!
🛂 Passport Control
The emoji for "passport control" is a representation of a notice that is frequently seen in airports. As the name implies, it indicates where travellers should go through passport control, or display the airport staff their identification. The only distinction between it and the Customs emoji in terms of appearance is what is checked.
