🏃🏾 Person Running - Medium-dark Skin Tone Emoji

🏃🏾 Emoji Information

Person Running - Medium-dark Skin Tone
Short Codes:
marathon, person running, running
People & Body ยป Person Activity
Unicode Codepoint(s):
Available - View

🏃🏾 Person Running - Medium-dark Skin Tone Meaning

The person running emoji depicts a character who is running somewhere; in some instances, it is clear that the character is exercising while in other instances, it appears as though the character is racing late or is frantically attempting to complete tasks before the deadline. This emoji, which is intended to be gender-neutral, comes in both male and female variations. Its meanings are determined by the way it appears. Frequently, it represents something precisely working out, and it is frequently used as a symbol of being in a rush to arrive somewhere on time or complete tasks as soon as they are required.

The person running - Medium-dark Skin Tone emoji was introduced in 2016 and released as part of the Unicode 11.0 standard. This emoji can be found under the people and body category. Because the person running - Medium-dark Skin Tone emoji has been around for quite some time, it should display correctly in the majority of operating systems.

🏃🏾 Emoji on Different Devices

Here you'll find a range of emojis on how they will look using different operating systems. Each company will design an emoji according to their own style. Here we have listed the most popular platforms around to see how the emoji will look on their screens.
Depending on the operating system version, the images may still look different to your display.

  • Google
    Person Running Emoji Google
  • Apple
    Person Running Emoji Apple
  • Facebook
    Person Running Emoji Facebook
  • Twitter
    Person Running Emoji Twitter
  • Windows
    Person Running Emoji Windows
  • Samsung
    Person Running Emoji Samsung

🏃🏾 Modifiers / Skin Tones

The Person Running emoji comes in the following skin tone modifiers. Each tone is based on the Fitzpatrick Scale, which has the following names:
🏻 - Light, 🏼 - Medium Light, 🏽 - Medium, 🏾 - Medium Dark and 🏿 - Dark.

🏃🏾 Genders

The Person Running emoji comes in the following gender versions.

🏃🏾 Worldwide Trend

🏃🏾 Developer Codes

Short Codes:
Hex Code:
Decimal Code:
URL Escape Code:
JavaScript & JSON:
CSS Code:
content: '\1F3C3 \1F3FE';
