The Unicode Tamil Supplement block, also known as "Tamil Supplement," is a character block within the Unicode Standard, a universal character encoding system used for representing text and characters from various writing systems around the world. This specific block is designed to accommodate additional characters and symbols used in the Tamil language, primarily to support the Tamil script used for writing the Tamil language, as well as other languages that use Tamil-based scripts. The Tamil Supplement block contains characters for various Tamil numerals, Grantha script characters, and other symbols and diacritics that are not present in the basic Tamil block. These characters are essential for accurately representing texts in Tamil and other Dravidian languages and for preserving the historical and cultural heritage associated with these scripts. Unicode Tamil Supplement ensures that digital content in Tamil and related languages can be accurately and universally encoded, facilitating text processing, information exchange, and the preservation of cultural and linguistic diversity in the digital age.
View a range of fonts that support the Tamil Supplement block.
Below you will find all the characters that are in the Tamil Supplement unicode block. Currently there are 51 characters in this block.