Search Results for 'sick'

😷 Face With Medical Mask

The face with medical mask emoji is a yellow smiling face wearing a white mask over its nose and mouth. This emoji is universally interpreted as a representation of someone who is either sick or taking precautions to avoid illness, particularly infectious diseases. Its use surged during the COVID-19 pandemic as people worldwide started using masks to prevent the spread of the virus. Consequentl...

🤒 Face With Thermometer

The "face with thermometer" emoji is widely used to represent feeling unwell or having a fever. It visually depicts a yellow face with furrowed eyebrows, closed eyes, and a thermometer in its mouth, suggesting that the person is likely experiencing symptoms of an illness, such as the flu or a cold. This emoji is a quick way to convey that someone is physically sick without needing to go into de...

🤮 Face Vomiting

The face vomiting emoji, also known as the "throwing up" or "barf" emoji, is a vivid representation of someone feeling physically ill or disgusted. The emoji shows a face with tightly closed eyes and a wide-open mouth spewing a green, liquid-like substance, symbolizing a strong reaction of aversion or nausea. It is often used to convey extreme repulsion, whether in response to something literal...

💉 Syringe

The syringe emoji is a small but highly recognizable digital icon that represents a medical syringe, typically used for injections. Its significance primarily lies in the fields of healthcare and medicine, often symbolizing vaccinations, blood tests, and other medical procedures. The emoji can convey a range of messages, from discussions about healthcare practices to reminders for getting vacci...

💊 Pill

The pill emoji, often represented by a small, elongated capsule, can convey a range of meanings depending on the context in which it is used. At its most straightforward, the pill emoji symbolizes medication, health, and wellness. It can be used in discussions about physical health, doctor visits, or medical conditions to indicate the presence or importance of pharmaceuticals. For instance, som...