Search Results for 'raising hands'

🙌 Raising Hands

The raising hands emoji, often depicted as two hands lifted upward with lines around them suggesting motion or excitement, generally conveys a sense of celebration, joy, or worship. Its use in digital communication serves as a visual representation of emotions and actions that would otherwise require a description. For example, it's frequently employed to indicate moments of success or approval...

🙌🏻 Raising Hands: Light Skin Tone
Raising Hands with light skin tone
🙌🏼 Raising Hands: Medium-Light Skin Tone
Raising Hands with medium-light skin tone
🙌🏽 Raising Hands: Medium Skin Tone
Raising Hands with medium skin tone
🙌🏾 Raising Hands: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
Raising Hands with medium-dark skin tone
🙌🏿 Raising Hands: Dark Skin Tone
Raising Hands with dark skin tone