Search Results for 'meeting'

🤝 Handshake
The Handshake emoji is a representation of two hands shaking from distinct people. This emoji is used in the exact same context as the motion — that is, to signify a deal, greeting, or agreement on something — with the possible exception of when saying "hello" to a teacher or business partner who holds a position of importance. The Speaking Head emoji, for instance, may indicate that a contract has been reviewed and signed by the user.
🤝🏻 Handshake: Light Skin Tone
Handshake with light skin tone
🤝🏼 Handshake: Medium-Light Skin Tone
Handshake with medium-light skin tone
🤝🏽 Handshake: Medium Skin Tone
Handshake with medium skin tone
🤝🏾 Handshake: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
Handshake with medium-dark skin tone
🤝🏿 Handshake: Dark Skin Tone
Handshake with dark skin tone
