Search Results for 'face with hand over mouth'

🤭 Face With Hand Over Mouth

The face with hand over mouth emoji is one often utilized in response to something that's humorous, surprising, shocking, or that requires a certain degree of discretion. Most commonly recognized as the 'facepalm' emoji, it is usually used to symbolically represent the action of slapping one’s forehead or covering one's mouth in disbelief, shock, or exasperation. The key idea here is that the...

🫢 Face With Open Eyes And Hand Over Mouth

The face with open eyes and hand over mouth emoji, is frequently used in digital communications to express shock, surprise, or an unexpected event in a playful, coy, or funny way. The actual name for this emoji is the "face with hand over mouth," and it's a part of Unicode 10.0 that was introduced in 2017. The emoji is generally used to depict reactions like giggling, gasping, or are in a state...