Search Results for 'backhand index pointing left'

👈 Backhand Index Pointing Left

The backhand index pointing left emoji is a small digital icon depicting a hand with the index finger extended to the left. This emoji is usually portrayed as a right hand, with the back of the hand facing the viewer and the index finger emphatically pointing outwards to the left side. The purpose of this emoji, like many other hand gesture emojis, is to convey a non-verbal message or to add em...

👈🏻 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Light Skin Tone
Backhand Index Pointing Left with light skin tone
👈🏼 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone
Backhand Index Pointing Left with medium-light skin tone
👈🏽 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium Skin Tone
Backhand Index Pointing Left with medium skin tone
👈🏾 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
Backhand Index Pointing Left with medium-dark skin tone
👈🏿 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Dark Skin Tone
Backhand Index Pointing Left with dark skin tone