Number Forms Unicode Block

The Unicode block Number Forms contains characters representing various number forms, including Western-Arabic numerals, Eastern-Arabic numerals, and other less common number systems. It also includes characters for fractions, currency symbols, and other mathematical symbols related to numbers. This block is essential for representing numbers and mathematical expressions in different languages and scripts.

View a range of fonts that support the Number Forms block.

Below you will find all the characters that are in the Number Forms unicode block. Currently there are 60 characters in this block.

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Image Browser Unicode Name
Vulgar Fraction One SeventhU+2150Vulgar Fraction One Seventh
Vulgar Fraction One NinthU+2151Vulgar Fraction One Ninth
Vulgar Fraction One TenthU+2152Vulgar Fraction One Tenth
Vulgar Fraction One ThirdU+2153Vulgar Fraction One Third
Vulgar Fraction Two ThirdsU+2154Vulgar Fraction Two Thirds
Vulgar Fraction One FifthU+2155Vulgar Fraction One Fifth
Vulgar Fraction Two FifthsU+2156Vulgar Fraction Two Fifths
Vulgar Fraction Three FifthsU+2157Vulgar Fraction Three Fifths
Vulgar Fraction Four FifthsU+2158Vulgar Fraction Four Fifths
Vulgar Fraction One SixthU+2159Vulgar Fraction One Sixth
Vulgar Fraction Five SixthsU+215AVulgar Fraction Five Sixths
Vulgar Fraction One EighthU+215BVulgar Fraction One Eighth
Vulgar Fraction Three EighthsU+215CVulgar Fraction Three Eighths
Vulgar Fraction Five EighthsU+215DVulgar Fraction Five Eighths
Vulgar Fraction Seven EighthsU+215EVulgar Fraction Seven Eighths
Fraction Numerator OneU+215FFraction Numerator One
Roman Numeral OneU+2160Roman Numeral One
Roman Numeral TwoU+2161Roman Numeral Two
Roman Numeral ThreeU+2162Roman Numeral Three
Roman Numeral FourU+2163Roman Numeral Four
Roman Numeral FiveU+2164Roman Numeral Five
Roman Numeral SixU+2165Roman Numeral Six
Roman Numeral SevenU+2166Roman Numeral Seven
Roman Numeral EightU+2167Roman Numeral Eight
Roman Numeral NineU+2168Roman Numeral Nine
Roman Numeral TenU+2169Roman Numeral Ten
Roman Numeral ElevenU+216ARoman Numeral Eleven
Roman Numeral TwelveU+216BRoman Numeral Twelve
Roman Numeral FiftyU+216CRoman Numeral Fifty
Roman Numeral One HundredU+216DRoman Numeral One Hundred
Roman Numeral Five HundredU+216ERoman Numeral Five Hundred
Roman Numeral One ThousandU+216FRoman Numeral One Thousand
Small Roman Numeral OneU+2170Small Roman Numeral One
Small Roman Numeral TwoU+2171Small Roman Numeral Two
Small Roman Numeral ThreeU+2172Small Roman Numeral Three
Small Roman Numeral FourU+2173Small Roman Numeral Four
Small Roman Numeral FiveU+2174Small Roman Numeral Five
Small Roman Numeral SixU+2175Small Roman Numeral Six
Small Roman Numeral SevenU+2176Small Roman Numeral Seven
Small Roman Numeral EightU+2177Small Roman Numeral Eight
Small Roman Numeral NineU+2178Small Roman Numeral Nine
Small Roman Numeral TenU+2179Small Roman Numeral Ten
Small Roman Numeral ElevenU+217ASmall Roman Numeral Eleven
Small Roman Numeral TwelveU+217BSmall Roman Numeral Twelve
Small Roman Numeral FiftyU+217CSmall Roman Numeral Fifty
Small Roman Numeral One HundredU+217DSmall Roman Numeral One Hundred
Small Roman Numeral Five HundredU+217ESmall Roman Numeral Five Hundred
Small Roman Numeral One ThousandU+217FSmall Roman Numeral One Thousand
Roman Numeral One Thousand C DU+2180Roman Numeral One Thousand C D
Roman Numeral Five ThousandU+2181Roman Numeral Five Thousand