'⒃' - U+2483 Parenthesized Number Sixteen

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Unicode Data

View details and encodings for Unicode character U+2483 Parenthesized Number Sixteen, located in the Enclosed Alphanumerics block and Other Number category. This character was released in 1993 under Unicode version 1.1.

Parenthesized Number Sixteen
Other Number
Enclosed Alphanumerics
[compat] ( (U+0028),  1 (U+0031),  6 (U+0036),  ) (U+0029)
Other Neutrals
Unicode Version:
Unicode 1.1

Character Encodings

HTML Entity - Decimal:
HTML Entity - Hex:

Other Characters Based on ' ( ' (U+0028)

Image Browser Unicode Name
Superscript Left ParenthesisU+207DSuperscript Left Parenthesis
Subscript Left ParenthesisU+208DSubscript Left Parenthesis
Parenthesized Digit OneU+2474Parenthesized Digit One
Parenthesized Digit TwoU+2475Parenthesized Digit Two
Parenthesized Digit ThreeU+2476Parenthesized Digit Three
Parenthesized Digit FourU+2477Parenthesized Digit Four
Parenthesized Digit FiveU+2478Parenthesized Digit Five
Parenthesized Digit SixU+2479Parenthesized Digit Six
Parenthesized Digit SevenU+247AParenthesized Digit Seven
Parenthesized Digit EightU+247BParenthesized Digit Eight
Parenthesized Digit NineU+247CParenthesized Digit Nine
Parenthesized Number TenU+247DParenthesized Number Ten
Parenthesized Number ElevenU+247EParenthesized Number Eleven
Parenthesized Number TwelveU+247FParenthesized Number Twelve
Parenthesized Number ThirteenU+2480Parenthesized Number Thirteen
Parenthesized Number FourteenU+2481Parenthesized Number Fourteen
Parenthesized Number FifteenU+2482Parenthesized Number Fifteen
Parenthesized Number SixteenU+2483Parenthesized Number Sixteen
Parenthesized Number SeventeenU+2484Parenthesized Number Seventeen
Parenthesized Number EighteenU+2485Parenthesized Number Eighteen
Parenthesized Number NineteenU+2486Parenthesized Number Nineteen
Parenthesized Number TwentyU+2487Parenthesized Number Twenty
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter AU+249CParenthesized Latin Small Letter A
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter BU+249DParenthesized Latin Small Letter B
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter CU+249EParenthesized Latin Small Letter C
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter DU+249FParenthesized Latin Small Letter D
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter EU+24A0Parenthesized Latin Small Letter E
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter FU+24A1Parenthesized Latin Small Letter F
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter GU+24A2Parenthesized Latin Small Letter G
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter HU+24A3Parenthesized Latin Small Letter H
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter IU+24A4Parenthesized Latin Small Letter I
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter JU+24A5Parenthesized Latin Small Letter J
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter KU+24A6Parenthesized Latin Small Letter K
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter LU+24A7Parenthesized Latin Small Letter L
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter MU+24A8Parenthesized Latin Small Letter M
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter NU+24A9Parenthesized Latin Small Letter N
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter OU+24AAParenthesized Latin Small Letter O
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter PU+24ABParenthesized Latin Small Letter P
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter QU+24ACParenthesized Latin Small Letter Q
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter RU+24ADParenthesized Latin Small Letter R
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter SU+24AEParenthesized Latin Small Letter S
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter TU+24AFParenthesized Latin Small Letter T
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter UU+24B0Parenthesized Latin Small Letter U
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter VU+24B1Parenthesized Latin Small Letter V
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter WU+24B2Parenthesized Latin Small Letter W
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter XU+24B3Parenthesized Latin Small Letter X
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter YU+24B4Parenthesized Latin Small Letter Y
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter ZU+24B5Parenthesized Latin Small Letter Z
Parenthesized Hangul KiyeokU+3200Parenthesized Hangul Kiyeok
Parenthesized Hangul NieunU+3201Parenthesized Hangul Nieun
Parenthesized Hangul TikeutU+3202Parenthesized Hangul Tikeut
Parenthesized Hangul RieulU+3203Parenthesized Hangul Rieul
Parenthesized Hangul MieumU+3204Parenthesized Hangul Mieum
Parenthesized Hangul PieupU+3205Parenthesized Hangul Pieup
Parenthesized Hangul SiosU+3206Parenthesized Hangul Sios
Parenthesized Hangul IeungU+3207Parenthesized Hangul Ieung
Parenthesized Hangul CieucU+3208Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc
Parenthesized Hangul ChieuchU+3209Parenthesized Hangul Chieuch
Parenthesized Hangul KhieukhU+320AParenthesized Hangul Khieukh
Parenthesized Hangul ThieuthU+320BParenthesized Hangul Thieuth
Parenthesized Hangul PhieuphU+320CParenthesized Hangul Phieuph
Parenthesized Hangul HieuhU+320DParenthesized Hangul Hieuh
Parenthesized Hangul Kiyeok AU+320EParenthesized Hangul Kiyeok A
Parenthesized Hangul Nieun AU+320FParenthesized Hangul Nieun A
Parenthesized Hangul Tikeut AU+3210Parenthesized Hangul Tikeut A
Parenthesized Hangul Rieul AU+3211Parenthesized Hangul Rieul A
Parenthesized Hangul Mieum AU+3212Parenthesized Hangul Mieum A
Parenthesized Hangul Pieup AU+3213Parenthesized Hangul Pieup A
Parenthesized Hangul Sios AU+3214Parenthesized Hangul Sios A
Parenthesized Hangul Ieung AU+3215Parenthesized Hangul Ieung A
Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc AU+3216Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc A
Parenthesized Hangul Chieuch AU+3217Parenthesized Hangul Chieuch A
Parenthesized Hangul Khieukh AU+3218Parenthesized Hangul Khieukh A
Parenthesized Hangul Thieuth AU+3219Parenthesized Hangul Thieuth A
Parenthesized Hangul Phieuph AU+321AParenthesized Hangul Phieuph A
Parenthesized Hangul Hieuh AU+321BParenthesized Hangul Hieuh A
Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc UU+321CParenthesized Hangul Cieuc U
Parenthesized Korean Character OjeonU+321DParenthesized Korean Character Ojeon
Parenthesized Korean Character O HuU+321EParenthesized Korean Character O Hu
Parenthesized Ideograph OneU+3220Parenthesized Ideograph One
Parenthesized Ideograph TwoU+3221Parenthesized Ideograph Two
Parenthesized Ideograph ThreeU+3222Parenthesized Ideograph Three
Parenthesized Ideograph FourU+3223Parenthesized Ideograph Four
Parenthesized Ideograph FiveU+3224Parenthesized Ideograph Five
Parenthesized Ideograph SixU+3225Parenthesized Ideograph Six
Parenthesized Ideograph SevenU+3226Parenthesized Ideograph Seven
Parenthesized Ideograph EightU+3227Parenthesized Ideograph Eight
Parenthesized Ideograph NineU+3228Parenthesized Ideograph Nine
Parenthesized Ideograph TenU+3229Parenthesized Ideograph Ten
Parenthesized Ideograph MoonU+322AParenthesized Ideograph Moon
Parenthesized Ideograph FireU+322BParenthesized Ideograph Fire
Parenthesized Ideograph WaterU+322CParenthesized Ideograph Water
Parenthesized Ideograph WoodU+322DParenthesized Ideograph Wood
Parenthesized Ideograph MetalU+322EParenthesized Ideograph Metal
Parenthesized Ideograph EarthU+322FParenthesized Ideograph Earth
Parenthesized Ideograph SunU+3230Parenthesized Ideograph Sun
Parenthesized Ideograph StockU+3231Parenthesized Ideograph Stock
Parenthesized Ideograph HaveU+3232Parenthesized Ideograph Have
Parenthesized Ideograph SocietyU+3233Parenthesized Ideograph Society
Parenthesized Ideograph NameU+3234Parenthesized Ideograph Name
Parenthesized Ideograph SpecialU+3235Parenthesized Ideograph Special
Parenthesized Ideograph FinancialU+3236Parenthesized Ideograph Financial
Parenthesized Ideograph CongratulationU+3237Parenthesized Ideograph Congratulation
Parenthesized Ideograph LaborU+3238Parenthesized Ideograph Labor
Parenthesized Ideograph RepresentU+3239Parenthesized Ideograph Represent
Parenthesized Ideograph CallU+323AParenthesized Ideograph Call
Parenthesized Ideograph StudyU+323BParenthesized Ideograph Study
Parenthesized Ideograph SuperviseU+323CParenthesized Ideograph Supervise
Parenthesized Ideograph EnterpriseU+323DParenthesized Ideograph Enterprise
Parenthesized Ideograph ResourceU+323EParenthesized Ideograph Resource
Parenthesized Ideograph AllianceU+323FParenthesized Ideograph Alliance
Parenthesized Ideograph FestivalU+3240Parenthesized Ideograph Festival
Parenthesized Ideograph RestU+3241Parenthesized Ideograph Rest
Parenthesized Ideograph SelfU+3242Parenthesized Ideograph Self
Parenthesized Ideograph ReachU+3243Parenthesized Ideograph Reach
Presentation Form For Vertical Left ParenthesisU+FE35Presentation Form For Vertical Left Parenthesis
Small Left ParenthesisU+FE59Small Left Parenthesis
Fullwidth Left ParenthesisU+FF08Fullwidth Left Parenthesis
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter A🄐U+1F110Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter A
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter B🄑U+1F111Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter B
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter C🄒U+1F112Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter C
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter D🄓U+1F113Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter D
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter E🄔U+1F114Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter E
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter F🄕U+1F115Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter F
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter G🄖U+1F116Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter G
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter H🄗U+1F117Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter H
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter I🄘U+1F118Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter I
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter J🄙U+1F119Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter J
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter K🄚U+1F11AParenthesized Latin Capital Letter K
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter L🄛U+1F11BParenthesized Latin Capital Letter L
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter M🄜U+1F11CParenthesized Latin Capital Letter M
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter N🄝U+1F11DParenthesized Latin Capital Letter N
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter O🄞U+1F11EParenthesized Latin Capital Letter O
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter P🄟U+1F11FParenthesized Latin Capital Letter P
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Q🄠U+1F120Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Q
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter R🄡U+1F121Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter R
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter S🄢U+1F122Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter S
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter T🄣U+1F123Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter T
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter U🄤U+1F124Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter U
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter V🄥U+1F125Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter V
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter W🄦U+1F126Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter W
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter X🄧U+1F127Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter X
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Y🄨U+1F128Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Y
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Z🄩U+1F129Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Z

Other Characters Based on ' 1 ' (U+0031)

Image Browser Unicode Name
Superscript One¹U+00B9Superscript One
Vulgar Fraction One Quarter¼U+00BCVulgar Fraction One Quarter
Vulgar Fraction One Half½U+00BDVulgar Fraction One Half
Subscript OneU+2081Subscript One
Vulgar Fraction One SeventhU+2150Vulgar Fraction One Seventh
Vulgar Fraction One NinthU+2151Vulgar Fraction One Ninth
Vulgar Fraction One TenthU+2152Vulgar Fraction One Tenth
Vulgar Fraction One ThirdU+2153Vulgar Fraction One Third
Vulgar Fraction One FifthU+2155Vulgar Fraction One Fifth
Vulgar Fraction One SixthU+2159Vulgar Fraction One Sixth
Vulgar Fraction One EighthU+215BVulgar Fraction One Eighth
Fraction Numerator OneU+215FFraction Numerator One
Circled Digit OneU+2460Circled Digit One
Circled Number TenU+2469Circled Number Ten
Circled Number ElevenU+246ACircled Number Eleven
Circled Number TwelveU+246BCircled Number Twelve
Circled Number ThirteenU+246CCircled Number Thirteen
Circled Number FourteenU+246DCircled Number Fourteen
Circled Number FifteenU+246ECircled Number Fifteen
Circled Number SixteenU+246FCircled Number Sixteen
Circled Number SeventeenU+2470Circled Number Seventeen
Circled Number EighteenU+2471Circled Number Eighteen
Circled Number NineteenU+2472Circled Number Nineteen
Parenthesized Digit OneU+2474Parenthesized Digit One
Parenthesized Number TenU+247DParenthesized Number Ten
Parenthesized Number ElevenU+247EParenthesized Number Eleven
Parenthesized Number TwelveU+247FParenthesized Number Twelve
Parenthesized Number ThirteenU+2480Parenthesized Number Thirteen
Parenthesized Number FourteenU+2481Parenthesized Number Fourteen
Parenthesized Number FifteenU+2482Parenthesized Number Fifteen
Parenthesized Number SixteenU+2483Parenthesized Number Sixteen
Parenthesized Number SeventeenU+2484Parenthesized Number Seventeen
Parenthesized Number EighteenU+2485Parenthesized Number Eighteen
Parenthesized Number NineteenU+2486Parenthesized Number Nineteen
Digit One Full StopU+2488Digit One Full Stop
Number Ten Full StopU+2491Number Ten Full Stop
Number Eleven Full StopU+2492Number Eleven Full Stop
Number Twelve Full StopU+2493Number Twelve Full Stop
Number Thirteen Full StopU+2494Number Thirteen Full Stop
Number Fourteen Full StopU+2495Number Fourteen Full Stop
Number Fifteen Full StopU+2496Number Fifteen Full Stop
Number Sixteen Full StopU+2497Number Sixteen Full Stop
Number Seventeen Full StopU+2498Number Seventeen Full Stop
Number Eighteen Full StopU+2499Number Eighteen Full Stop
Number Nineteen Full StopU+249ANumber Nineteen Full Stop
Circled Number Twenty OneU+3251Circled Number Twenty One
Circled Number Thirty OneU+325BCircled Number Thirty One
Circled Number Forty OneU+32B6Circled Number Forty One
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For JanuaryU+32C0Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For January
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For OctoberU+32C9Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For October
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For NovemberU+32CAIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For November
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For DecemberU+32CBIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For December
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour OneU+3359Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour One
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour TenU+3362Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Ten
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour ElevenU+3363Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Eleven
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour TwelveU+3364Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twelve
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour ThirteenU+3365Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Thirteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour FourteenU+3366Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Fourteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour FifteenU+3367Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Fifteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour SixteenU+3368Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Sixteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour SeventeenU+3369Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Seventeen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour EighteenU+336AIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Eighteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour NineteenU+336BIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Nineteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty-OneU+336DIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty-One
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day OneU+33E0Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day One
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day TenU+33E9Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Ten
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day ElevenU+33EAIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Eleven
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day TwelveU+33EBIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twelve
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day ThirteenU+33ECIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Thirteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day FourteenU+33EDIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Fourteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day FifteenU+33EEIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Fifteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day SixteenU+33EFIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Sixteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day SeventeenU+33F0Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Seventeen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day EighteenU+33F1Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Eighteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day NineteenU+33F2Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Nineteen
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-OneU+33F4Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-One
Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Thirty-OneU+33FEIdeographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Thirty-One
Fullwidth Digit OneU+FF11Fullwidth Digit One
Outlined Digit One𜳱U+1CCF1Outlined Digit One
Mathematical Bold Digit One𝟏U+1D7CFMathematical Bold Digit One
Mathematical Double-Struck Digit One𝟙U+1D7D9Mathematical Double-Struck Digit One
Mathematical Sans-Serif Digit One𝟣U+1D7E3Mathematical Sans-Serif Digit One
Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digit One𝟭U+1D7EDMathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digit One
Mathematical Monospace Digit One𝟷U+1D7F7Mathematical Monospace Digit One
Digit One Comma🄂U+1F102Digit One Comma
Segmented Digit One🯱U+1FBF1Segmented Digit One

Other Characters Based on ' ) ' (U+0029)

Image Browser Unicode Name
Superscript Right ParenthesisU+207ESuperscript Right Parenthesis
Subscript Right ParenthesisU+208ESubscript Right Parenthesis
Parenthesized Digit OneU+2474Parenthesized Digit One
Parenthesized Digit TwoU+2475Parenthesized Digit Two
Parenthesized Digit ThreeU+2476Parenthesized Digit Three
Parenthesized Digit FourU+2477Parenthesized Digit Four
Parenthesized Digit FiveU+2478Parenthesized Digit Five
Parenthesized Digit SixU+2479Parenthesized Digit Six
Parenthesized Digit SevenU+247AParenthesized Digit Seven
Parenthesized Digit EightU+247BParenthesized Digit Eight
Parenthesized Digit NineU+247CParenthesized Digit Nine
Parenthesized Number TenU+247DParenthesized Number Ten
Parenthesized Number ElevenU+247EParenthesized Number Eleven
Parenthesized Number TwelveU+247FParenthesized Number Twelve
Parenthesized Number ThirteenU+2480Parenthesized Number Thirteen
Parenthesized Number FourteenU+2481Parenthesized Number Fourteen
Parenthesized Number FifteenU+2482Parenthesized Number Fifteen
Parenthesized Number SixteenU+2483Parenthesized Number Sixteen
Parenthesized Number SeventeenU+2484Parenthesized Number Seventeen
Parenthesized Number EighteenU+2485Parenthesized Number Eighteen
Parenthesized Number NineteenU+2486Parenthesized Number Nineteen
Parenthesized Number TwentyU+2487Parenthesized Number Twenty
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter AU+249CParenthesized Latin Small Letter A
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter BU+249DParenthesized Latin Small Letter B
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter CU+249EParenthesized Latin Small Letter C
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter DU+249FParenthesized Latin Small Letter D
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter EU+24A0Parenthesized Latin Small Letter E
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter FU+24A1Parenthesized Latin Small Letter F
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter GU+24A2Parenthesized Latin Small Letter G
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter HU+24A3Parenthesized Latin Small Letter H
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter IU+24A4Parenthesized Latin Small Letter I
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter JU+24A5Parenthesized Latin Small Letter J
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter KU+24A6Parenthesized Latin Small Letter K
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter LU+24A7Parenthesized Latin Small Letter L
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter MU+24A8Parenthesized Latin Small Letter M
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter NU+24A9Parenthesized Latin Small Letter N
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter OU+24AAParenthesized Latin Small Letter O
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter PU+24ABParenthesized Latin Small Letter P
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter QU+24ACParenthesized Latin Small Letter Q
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter RU+24ADParenthesized Latin Small Letter R
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter SU+24AEParenthesized Latin Small Letter S
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter TU+24AFParenthesized Latin Small Letter T
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter UU+24B0Parenthesized Latin Small Letter U
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter VU+24B1Parenthesized Latin Small Letter V
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter WU+24B2Parenthesized Latin Small Letter W
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter XU+24B3Parenthesized Latin Small Letter X
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter YU+24B4Parenthesized Latin Small Letter Y
Parenthesized Latin Small Letter ZU+24B5Parenthesized Latin Small Letter Z
Parenthesized Hangul KiyeokU+3200Parenthesized Hangul Kiyeok
Parenthesized Hangul NieunU+3201Parenthesized Hangul Nieun
Parenthesized Hangul TikeutU+3202Parenthesized Hangul Tikeut
Parenthesized Hangul RieulU+3203Parenthesized Hangul Rieul
Parenthesized Hangul MieumU+3204Parenthesized Hangul Mieum
Parenthesized Hangul PieupU+3205Parenthesized Hangul Pieup
Parenthesized Hangul SiosU+3206Parenthesized Hangul Sios
Parenthesized Hangul IeungU+3207Parenthesized Hangul Ieung
Parenthesized Hangul CieucU+3208Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc
Parenthesized Hangul ChieuchU+3209Parenthesized Hangul Chieuch
Parenthesized Hangul KhieukhU+320AParenthesized Hangul Khieukh
Parenthesized Hangul ThieuthU+320BParenthesized Hangul Thieuth
Parenthesized Hangul PhieuphU+320CParenthesized Hangul Phieuph
Parenthesized Hangul HieuhU+320DParenthesized Hangul Hieuh
Parenthesized Hangul Kiyeok AU+320EParenthesized Hangul Kiyeok A
Parenthesized Hangul Nieun AU+320FParenthesized Hangul Nieun A
Parenthesized Hangul Tikeut AU+3210Parenthesized Hangul Tikeut A
Parenthesized Hangul Rieul AU+3211Parenthesized Hangul Rieul A
Parenthesized Hangul Mieum AU+3212Parenthesized Hangul Mieum A
Parenthesized Hangul Pieup AU+3213Parenthesized Hangul Pieup A
Parenthesized Hangul Sios AU+3214Parenthesized Hangul Sios A
Parenthesized Hangul Ieung AU+3215Parenthesized Hangul Ieung A
Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc AU+3216Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc A
Parenthesized Hangul Chieuch AU+3217Parenthesized Hangul Chieuch A
Parenthesized Hangul Khieukh AU+3218Parenthesized Hangul Khieukh A
Parenthesized Hangul Thieuth AU+3219Parenthesized Hangul Thieuth A
Parenthesized Hangul Phieuph AU+321AParenthesized Hangul Phieuph A
Parenthesized Hangul Hieuh AU+321BParenthesized Hangul Hieuh A
Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc UU+321CParenthesized Hangul Cieuc U
Parenthesized Korean Character OjeonU+321DParenthesized Korean Character Ojeon
Parenthesized Korean Character O HuU+321EParenthesized Korean Character O Hu
Parenthesized Ideograph OneU+3220Parenthesized Ideograph One
Parenthesized Ideograph TwoU+3221Parenthesized Ideograph Two
Parenthesized Ideograph ThreeU+3222Parenthesized Ideograph Three
Parenthesized Ideograph FourU+3223Parenthesized Ideograph Four
Parenthesized Ideograph FiveU+3224Parenthesized Ideograph Five
Parenthesized Ideograph SixU+3225Parenthesized Ideograph Six
Parenthesized Ideograph SevenU+3226Parenthesized Ideograph Seven
Parenthesized Ideograph EightU+3227Parenthesized Ideograph Eight
Parenthesized Ideograph NineU+3228Parenthesized Ideograph Nine
Parenthesized Ideograph TenU+3229Parenthesized Ideograph Ten
Parenthesized Ideograph MoonU+322AParenthesized Ideograph Moon
Parenthesized Ideograph FireU+322BParenthesized Ideograph Fire
Parenthesized Ideograph WaterU+322CParenthesized Ideograph Water
Parenthesized Ideograph WoodU+322DParenthesized Ideograph Wood
Parenthesized Ideograph MetalU+322EParenthesized Ideograph Metal
Parenthesized Ideograph EarthU+322FParenthesized Ideograph Earth
Parenthesized Ideograph SunU+3230Parenthesized Ideograph Sun
Parenthesized Ideograph StockU+3231Parenthesized Ideograph Stock
Parenthesized Ideograph HaveU+3232Parenthesized Ideograph Have
Parenthesized Ideograph SocietyU+3233Parenthesized Ideograph Society
Parenthesized Ideograph NameU+3234Parenthesized Ideograph Name
Parenthesized Ideograph SpecialU+3235Parenthesized Ideograph Special
Parenthesized Ideograph FinancialU+3236Parenthesized Ideograph Financial
Parenthesized Ideograph CongratulationU+3237Parenthesized Ideograph Congratulation
Parenthesized Ideograph LaborU+3238Parenthesized Ideograph Labor
Parenthesized Ideograph RepresentU+3239Parenthesized Ideograph Represent
Parenthesized Ideograph CallU+323AParenthesized Ideograph Call
Parenthesized Ideograph StudyU+323BParenthesized Ideograph Study
Parenthesized Ideograph SuperviseU+323CParenthesized Ideograph Supervise
Parenthesized Ideograph EnterpriseU+323DParenthesized Ideograph Enterprise
Parenthesized Ideograph ResourceU+323EParenthesized Ideograph Resource
Parenthesized Ideograph AllianceU+323FParenthesized Ideograph Alliance
Parenthesized Ideograph FestivalU+3240Parenthesized Ideograph Festival
Parenthesized Ideograph RestU+3241Parenthesized Ideograph Rest
Parenthesized Ideograph SelfU+3242Parenthesized Ideograph Self
Parenthesized Ideograph ReachU+3243Parenthesized Ideograph Reach
Presentation Form For Vertical Right ParenthesisU+FE36Presentation Form For Vertical Right Parenthesis
Small Right ParenthesisU+FE5ASmall Right Parenthesis
Fullwidth Right ParenthesisU+FF09Fullwidth Right Parenthesis
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter A🄐U+1F110Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter A
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter B🄑U+1F111Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter B
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter C🄒U+1F112Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter C
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter D🄓U+1F113Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter D
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter E🄔U+1F114Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter E
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter F🄕U+1F115Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter F
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter G🄖U+1F116Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter G
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter H🄗U+1F117Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter H
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter I🄘U+1F118Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter I
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter J🄙U+1F119Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter J
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter K🄚U+1F11AParenthesized Latin Capital Letter K
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter L🄛U+1F11BParenthesized Latin Capital Letter L
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter M🄜U+1F11CParenthesized Latin Capital Letter M
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter N🄝U+1F11DParenthesized Latin Capital Letter N
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter O🄞U+1F11EParenthesized Latin Capital Letter O
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter P🄟U+1F11FParenthesized Latin Capital Letter P
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Q🄠U+1F120Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Q
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter R🄡U+1F121Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter R
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter S🄢U+1F122Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter S
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter T🄣U+1F123Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter T
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter U🄤U+1F124Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter U
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter V🄥U+1F125Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter V
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter W🄦U+1F126Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter W
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter X🄧U+1F127Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter X
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Y🄨U+1F128Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Y
Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Z🄩U+1F129Parenthesized Latin Capital Letter Z